The Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC), a 501(c)(3) organization, is recognized as one of six regional associations that accredit public and private schools, colleges, and universities in the United States.
The PDF documents below were all presented as written reports and are posted for reference.
WASC Mid-Cycle Progress Report
WASC Visiting Committee Final Report 2015
WASC Self-Study 2014-2015 (each chapter is a separate file)
- WASC Self-Study 2014-15 Introduction, Table of Contents, and Preface
- WASC Self-Study 2014-15 Chapter 1: Student and Community Profile Supporting Data and Findings
- WASC Self-Study 2014-15 Chapter 2: Progress Report
- WASC Self-Study 2014-15 Chapter 3: Students and Comunity Profile Overall Summary from Analysis of Profile Data and Progress
- WASC Self-Study 2014-15 Chapter 4: Self-Study Findings
- Organization: Vision and Purpose, Governance and Leadership, Staff and Resources
- Standards-Based Student Learning: Curriculum
- Standards-Based Student Learning: Instruction
- Standards-Based Student Learning: Assessment
- School Culture and Support for Student Personal and Academic Growth
- WASC Self-Study 2014-15 Chapter 5: Schoolwide Action Plan
- WASC Self-Study 2014-15 Appendices