Academic Integrity
Honesty, trust and integrity are vital components of the education process. The School Board believes that academic honesty and personal integrity are fundamental components of a student's education and character development. The Board expects that students will not cheat, lie, plagiarize, or commit other acts of academic dishonesty.
Teachers care about student learning and as a community we value honesty, trust, and personal integrity. Academic integrity is an integral component in fostering self respect, achievement and positive relationships among all stakeholders in our District community. Our Academic Integrity Policy is intended to clarify the expectations we have for all students to maintain an ethical climate that values honesty, effort and respect for others.
Students are expected to produce their own work, complete course activities themselves, and take course exams, tests or quizzes without the assistance of others unless otherwise directly specified by the teacher. Students and families should understand and act upon the values of academic integrity and should encourage the highest standards of academic behavior from themselves and their peers.